May I have a WORD with you?

Ep 025 (S2E6) Coin-a-what? Philippians Part 1

John Season 2 Episode 6


  • Philippians 1:1-19
    • “you have been my partners…”  fellowship - v5
      • κοινωνία (koy-nohn-ee'-ah)
  • Acts 2:42 - the believers devoted themselves to…
    • The Apostles’ teaching
    • κοινωνία
    • The breaking of bread (eating together including Holy Communion)
    • Prayer
  • Phil 2:1, 3:10
  • Hebrews 13:15-16
    • To do good and communicate (KJV)
    • Forget not - ἐπιλανθάνομαι