May I have a WORD with you?

Ep 027 (S2E8) Mind & Soul: Philippians Part 3

John Season 2 Episode 8


  • Philippians 2:1-11
    • The Jesus Principle
      • Phil 2:3-4
      • The life impact of this principle
    • Orthodoxy - the Apostles’ teaching (Acts 2:42)
      • form v6-7 μορφή (mor-fay') & form v8 σχῆμα (skhay'-mah)
      • The two natures of Jesus Christ
        • Fully Divine AND fully human
        • Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon in 451
    • v2, 5 - one mind / soul
      • φρονέω (fron-eh'-o) mind
        • See Mt 16:21-23
      • σύμψυχος (soom'-psoo-khos) same soul
      • James 1:8 double minded - δίψυχος (dip'-soo-khos)
    • Remembering κοινωνία (koy-nohn-ee'-ah) v1
      • Being of one mind and soul with Christ and His Body