May I have a WORD with you?

Ep 030 (S2E11) Possessed for Focus - Philippians Part 6

John Season 2 Episode 11


  • Philippians 3:12-21
    • v12 - καταλαμβάνω (kat-al-am-ban'-o) - possessed (NLT)
      • to seize upon, take possession of
        • of a demon about to torment one
          • Mark 9:14-29
        • of Christ by his laying hold of the human mind and will, in order to prompt and govern it
          • “You don’t know how bad I am.”
            • Dog poop thinking
          • “I don’t. But I know how good He is that is in you. Therefore, I know how good you are when you are in Him.”
    • v14 - the heavenly prize
      • The prize - word from “the Games”
        • Track memory - Medley relay - bronze medal at County Meet
        • Recall pt 2 (1:30 - the struggle)
      • What are you focused on, striving for?
    • v17 - mark - σκοπέω (skop-eh'-o)
      • In a negative sense - Rom 16:17
      • Here in a positive sense
        • We all need examples. Be an example.
    • v19 - earthly things - ἐπίγειος (ep-ig'-i-os)
      • John 3 - Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus
    • v20 - citizens of heaven - connect to 1:27 - πολιτεύομαι (pol-it-yoo'-om-ahee)
      • KJV - conversation (recall week 1’s koinonia(communicate))