May I have a WORD with you?

Ep 031 (S2E12) From JOY To Peace: Philippians Part 7

John Season 2 Episode 12


  • Philippians 4:1-9
    • v1 - JOY & the crown cast before the throne of God
      • Rev 4:4, 10
    • v2 - the same mind - remember 2:2, 5 ESV
    • v3 - Yokefellow - σύζυγος (sood'-zoo-gos)
      • Mt 11:29 “take my yoke upon you…”
      • msg - Syzygus - as a name of someone
        • Yoked to who? Of the same mind as who?
        • Remember κοινωνία (koy-nohn-ee'-ah)
        • the Book of Life
    • v4 - “Rejoice!” - χαίρω (chairō) not Chi Ro the symbol
    • vs6-7 - Check out the MSG
    • vs8-9 - Check out the MSG