May I have a WORD with you?

Ep 032 (S2E13) Good Friday Contentment: Philippians Part 8

John Season 2 Episode 13


  • Good Friday
  • Philippians 4:10-23
    • v10 - φρονέω (fron-eh'-o) mind
      • once more likemindedness implies koinonia
      • Consider your squables within the Body of Christ in light of the Mind of Christ on this day.
    • vs11-19 - the power of being “content”
      • αὐτάρκης (ow-tar'-kace) - only here in NT
        • The Stoics understood autarkes to mean “the ability to be free from all wants or needs,” and they elevated it to the chief of all virtues.
        • See Psalm 23:1 conceptually.
      • v14 - συγκοινωνέω (soong-koy-no-neh'-o)
        • partaker together with others
      • v17 - MSG: “the blessing that issues from generosity.”
        • Heb 12:2 - for the joy… He endured the Cross
    • vs20-23 - Blessing and greetings