May I have a WORD with you?

Ep 036 (S2E17) - Stop fighting! Capeesh?

John Season 2 Episode 17


  • Mark 6:45-52 - Amazement, no understanding, hardness of heart
    • Compare ἐξίστημι with συνίημι
      • ἐξίστημι - amazed, mind-blown (v51)
      • συνίημι (soon-ee'-ay-mee) (v52)
        • to set or bring together
          • in a hostile sense, of combatants
            • me & God’s Word
        • to put the perception with the thing perceived
          • to set or join together in the mind
            • i.e. to understand
  • The wrestling of “understanding.”
    • Matthew 13:1-23 - The Farmer Sowing Seed
      • vss. 13, 14, 15, 19, 23
      • vs. 51 - Capeesh? Got it!
    • John 13:1-17 (particularly vss. 7 & 12)
      • γινώσκω (ghin-oce'-ko)
        • To know, understand
  • Let the Spirit and God’s Word soften your heart
    • Duke it out with Him.
    • Believe and understand. 
    • Capeesh?