May I have a WORD with you?

Ep 040 (S2E21) The Ones Part 3: 2 John

John Season 2 Episode 21


  • John’s letter to the ἐκλεκτῇ κυρίᾳ, the chosen lady and her children
    • Who might be the audience? Take an educated guess.
      • A person?
        • Mary, the Mother of Jesus?
        • More likely, a highly respected nameless woman leader of a church.
      • A church?
        • Metaphorical - “bride of Christ” like
        • Her children are the parishioners.
  • Reason for writing? - The Truth and Love!
    • vss 1-3 - greeting
    • vss 4-6
      • The truth of the love command
        • See John 13
      • περιπατέω (per-ee-pat-eh'-o) to walk, make one’s way, regulate one’s life, conduct one’s self
    • vss 7-9 - orthodoxy
      • The heresy of Docetism
      • 1 Tim 3:15b-16
    • vss 10-11 - be careful with encouragement?
    • vss 12-13 - Conclusion and final greeting
      • Family?