May I have a WORD with you?

Ep 026 (S2E7) Axiomatic Boldness: Philippians Pt 2

John Season 2 Episode 7


  • Philippians 1:20-30
    • Paul is hardpressed between going and staying
      • v20 - Not ashamed but bold
        • παρρησία (par-rhay-see'-ah)
          • Acts 4:13
      • v27 - Living as citizens of heaven - πολιτεύομαι (pol-it-yoo'-om-ahee)
        • KJV - conversation (recall last week’s koinonia(communicate))
      • v27 - Worthy of the gospel - ἀξίως (ax-ee'-oce)
        • Connection to axiom, axiomatic
        • Live in a way that is axiomatic of the Gospel of Christ (self-evident, unarguablely true)
      • v30 - ἀγών (ag-one') - struggle, conflict
        • 1 Tim. 6:12; 2 Tim. 4:7; Heb. 12:1
        • the assembly of the Greeks at their national games