May I have a WORD with you?

Ep 039 (S2E20) The Ones - Part 2: Philemon

John Season 2 Episode 20


  • Paul’s letter to Philemon vss. 1-25
    • Context for the letter
      • Connections to the church in Collosae
        • Epiphras starts a house church with Philemon
        • Onesimus wrongs his master, Philemon and flees
        • Onesimus is converted by Paul in Rome while Paul’s imprisoned there
      • Paul sends Onesimus back to Collosae with Tychicus (Col 4:7-9)
    • Vss. 1-7: Opening prayer
      • Recognition & encouragement
      • v 6: κοινωνία - (koy-nohn-ee'-ah)
  • Vss. 8-20: Paul’s request/instruction
    • Application of the Koinonia principle
      • An ask, not command
      • Fracturing of fellowship to unity
        • No more Jew/Gentile, slave/free
        • Colossians 3:11
      • v 17: κοινωνός - partner
      • v 19: a friendly reminder of the koinonia blessing
  • Vss. 21-25: Final greeting
  • Application
    • What is your experience of koinonia?
      • Have you experienced the fracturing of koinonia?
      • How would Jesus (and Paul) have you work to reconcile and recover a partnership (koinonia)
        • Remember that this letter is the only of Paul’s letter in which he doesn’t mention Jesus death and resurrection.
      • Remembering how Paul modeled Jesus’ work on the cross, how is your heart impacted and inspired?