May I have a WORD with you?

Ep 041 (S2E22) The Ones Part 4: 3 John

John Season 2 Episode 22


  • John’s letter to Gaius - 3 John vss. 1-15
    • Shortest Book in Bible
      • Counting Greek or Hebrew words, not English translation
        • 3 John - 219 words
        • 2 John - 245 words
        • Philemon - 335 words
        • Obabiah - 440 words
        • Jude - 461 words
      • Similar themes, ie. περιπατέω (per-ee-pat-eh'-o) to walk (vs 3 & 4) in Truth
    • Flip side of coin
      • Where 2 John was about protecting against heresy
      • 3 John is about supporting those who teach truth, not insularly.
  • The text
    • vss 1-4 - Greeting
      • Gaius
    • vss 5-8 - hospitality
      • συνεργός (soon-er-gos') - fellow laborer, coworker
    • vss 9-10 - the bad example of prideful insularity
      • Diotrephes - bad example
        • Corrective: Heb 13:1-2, the fish
    • vss 11-12 - encouragement for openheartedness for the whole Body of Christ
      • Demetrius - good example
    • vss 13-15 - conclusion