May I have a WORD with you?

Ep 047 (S3E3) Obey: Listen and Respond

John Season 3 Episode 3


  • Luke 8:22-25
    • Obey - ὑπακούω (hoop-ak-oo'-o)
      • Preposition - of, by, under, with, etc.
      • Root - acoustic - hear, hearken, etc.
        • To undergird one’s hearkening with response
  • Mt 21:28-32
    • Do the will of…
  • Mt 28:16-20
    • Teach them to observe
      • Think “Simon says”
  • Mt 15:1-6
    • Obey command over tradition
      • 2 Thess 2:15 - tradition can still be a positive thing 
  • Rom 6:16