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Ep 052 (S3E8) Taking Thoughts Captive: 5 Smooth Stones Pt 1

John Season 3 Episode 8


  • David selected five smooth stones to fight Goliath. 1 Sam 17
  •  ὅπλα τῆς στρατείας ἡμῶν - “weapons of our warfare” (2 Cor 10:4)
    • Our first “smooth” Biblical stone for fighting the giants
      • Thoughts - νόημα (no'-ay-mah), mind
      • The peace of God keeps our νόημα in Christ - Phil 4:7
  • The battle: 2 Cor 3 & 4
    • Our preconceived notions about what is “right”
      • The brilliance of the covenant and the veil - 2 Co 3:14
    • The light of the new and eternal covenant
      • Jars of clay - 2 Co 4:4, 7
  • The strategy:  “every thought captive to obey Christ” 2 Cor 10:5
    • Context: There are people sowing division in the Body of Christ
      • If Satan (the giant) can foster discontent with leadership, that’s a huge win for the enemy
      • It’s no good to have a mouth full of Bible verses if your heart is full of hatred
    • Paul is not only being undermined, he is being attacked personally
      • One of the most vulnerable points of our lives is our insecurity. It’s an identity issue. vs 7
        • The armies of Israel didn’t have the confidence to face the giant, but David did.
        • We know the God of heaven’s armies
        • Isa 54:17 - no weapon formed against us…
    • We know Satan’s ways: evil schemes, designs, sly ways - 2 Cor 2:11
      • A real concern - 2 Cor 11:3
  • May Peace return and win the day: Phil 4:7